生物通报道 发育通常被认为是一条单行道。干细胞可生成一些细胞,它们会发育成为诸如组成神经系统的神经元和神经胶质细胞一类的特定细胞类型,但却不应该发生逆转。而现在研究人员发现,在一个非常令人惊讶的地方——牙齿内神经系统细胞转变为了干细胞。
该研究的领导者、瑞典卡罗林斯卡学院(Karolinska Institute)的发育生物学家Igor Adameyko说:\"其应用不仅限于牙科学,这一研究发现可产生非常广泛的影响。这些干细胞还可以用于再生软骨和骨骼。”
一些神经元蜿蜒经过口腔和牙龈,帮助将来自牙齿的痛感传递至大脑。神经胶质细胞围绕着这些神经元为它们提供支持(延伸阅读:Science封面专题:神经胶质细胞 )。Adameyko和同事们正在对神经胶质细胞展开研究。当他们将荧光标记加入小鼠的一组神经胶质细胞时,他们看到随着时间的推移,其中的一些细胞远离牙龈中的神经元,向着牙齿内部迁移,在那里它们转变为了间充质干细胞。最终,这些细胞发育成为了牙细胞。
加州大学旧金山分校发育生物学家Ophir Klein(未参与该研究)说:\"这真是令人感到兴奋,它反驳了该研究领域对于间充质干细胞起源的看法。但这还只是了解人体内不同细胞群之间相互影响的第一步。在我们真正对间充质干细胞的来源盖棺定论之前,利用其它的技术来验证这些研究结果非常的重要。如果得到确证,这一新的干细胞来源对于研究人员而言无疑是非常宝贵的。”
Glial origin of mesenchymal stem cells in a tooth model system
Mesenchymal stem cells occupy niches in stromal tissues where they provide sources of cells for specialized mesenchymal derivatives during growth and repair1. The origins of mesenchymal stem cells have been the subject of considerable discussion, and current consensus holds that perivascular cells form mesenchymal stem cells in most tissues. The continuously growing mouse incisor tooth offers an excellent model to address the origin of mesenchymal stem cells. These stem cells dwell in a niche at the tooth apex where they produce a variety of differentiated derivatives. Cells constituting the tooth are mostly derived from two embryonic sources: neural crest ectomesenchyme and ectodermal epithelium2. It has been thought for decades that the dental mesenchymal stem cells3 giving rise to pulp cells and odontoblasts derive from neural crest cells after their migration in the early head and formation of ectomesenchymal tissue4, 5. Here we show that a significant population of mesenchymal stem cells during development, self-renewal and repair of a tooth are derived from peripheral nerve-associated glia. Glial cells generate multipotent mesenchymal stem cells that produce pulp cells and odontoblasts. By combining a clonal colour-coding technique6 with tracing of peripheral glia, we provide new insights into the dynamics of tooth organogenesis and growth.